School Safety
Covenant Kids Academy takes the safety of your child incredibly seriously. Jubilee Church’s Emergency Operations Plan, Covenant Kids Academy’s Emergency/Safety Response Plan and the school floor plans are on file with the Crawford County Emergency Manager. Additionally, the floor plans are on file with Crawford County 9-1-1 Dispatch so they are available to any first responder.
Training and Drills
The teachers regularly attend training and conduct emergency response drills. Fire and Tornado drills are conducted monthly, while active shooter, lockdown, missing child, bomb threat and other drills are conducted quarterly.
Security Assessment
Van Buren Police have reviewed our Standard Operating Procedures and policies and they are complimentary to their response protocols. A trained expert in the field has completed a comprehensive safety and security assessment which is updated regularly. Security and safety infrastructure improvements to the school have already been completed based on the recommendations.
Equipment and Infrastructure
We have upgraded our equipment and infrastructure to include a new fire alarm system, advanced first aid/trauma kits throughout the facility, AED kit, and a full EMT/trauma bag onsite. All teachers, staff, and administrators are certified in child and adult CPR/AED. In addition, we have a dedicated church safety response team lead volunteer who is often onsite.